Bicycle demo of the Blaczko tenants Ghosts will bust your tricks open!27.03.22 // 19:00 // Mariannenplatz Spring is just starting but our rent is already kicking back in warm Florida? Enough of that! We’ve had enough of overpriced rents. That’s…
A LUTA CONTINUA! — the struggle continues!
With Women in Exile & Friends against the camp system and racism On 4 August 2021, Women in Exile & Friends will return from their annual summer bus tour, this time to Hamburg, Bremen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We will welcome them…
Tenants’ protest picnic against displacement at Südstern
The new tenants’ initiative “RUND UM DIE HASENHEIDE” (“around Hasenheide”)(Berlin-Kreuzberg/Neukölln) will be publicly constituted on Friday, 2 July, at 4:30 pm. The tenants will gather at Südstern for a joint protest picnic against rising rents, displacement and real estate speculation…