Call for the block of the Mieter:innengewerkschaft Berlin for the demonstration against displacement and rent madness on March 27.

Three years ago, we, the residents of this city, took to the streets for the first time in thousands to protest against the rent madness. 40,000 tenants from all parts of the city came together to make it clear that we don’t want to live like this anymore. Since then, a lot has happened and we have been able to achieve for some successes, not least the rent cap. But the reaction of the real estate lobby quickly showed that this is not enough: conversion into property flats or shadow rent – again and again, the investors have the upper hand.
On top of that, there was the crisis. The last few months have been very hard for many of us. No matter if cook, artist or small business – how often did we worry about not being able to pay our rent anymore? How are we supposed to live on 60-80% short-time workers’ money, when normally half of it goes to pay the rent? The Covid pandemic has once again shown how endangered our homes are in the current housing market.
This become evident last autumn: While many of us didn’t know how to stay afloat, Heimstaden, a real estate group from Scandinavia, bought 150 houses for a total of well over 850 million euros. The hesitant steps taken by politicians have shown that we can’t wait for them to act. And we don’t have to: our greatest strength is ourselves! In the Heimstaden houses, entire house communities sprang up in a flash and have been fighting together ever since.
If we self-organize in our homes, in our neighborhoods and districts, it will be us who have the leverage. We fight for a city in which people can live a good live and in self-determination. Free from profit interests and oriented towards the needs of the people. The real estate industry is well connected – we must finally become so too! We can only achieve this if we, the tenants, initiatives and activists of this city, join forces. As a tenants’ union, we can become a force to be reckoned with by the real estate industry. That’s why we don’t rely on politics in this so-called “super election year”, but focus on us: Vote for self-organization!
Let’s take to the streets again by the thousands! Come to the #Mietenwahnsinn demonstration on March 27th, bring your neighbors with you and join the “Vote for Self-Organization” block!
27.03.2021 // 12 am // Rotes Rathaus