

House meeting 2nd March

Thursday, March 20, 6 p.m.
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

Hello dear neighbors,
We want to talk about the high rents here in the building and find out what we can do about them. We will also talk about the problems with the utility bills. In addition to the more serious topics, we also want to take the opportunity to simply get together and get to know each other a little better over food and drink. We hope that many of you will want to come – it will definitely be an exciting and sociable afternoon!

⭐ Special: With a lawyer who will give us information on the legal framework.

Hausversammlung 02. März

Donnerstag, 20. März 18 Uhr
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

Hallo liebe Nachbar*innen,
Wir wollen über die hohen Mieten hier im Haus sprechen und darüber informieren, was wir dagegen tun können. Außerdem geht es um die Probleme mit den Nebenkostenabrechnungen. Neben den ernsteren Themen wollen wir auch die Gelegenheit nutzen, um einfach mal zusammenzukommen und uns alle bei Speis und Trank ein wenig besser kennenlernen. Wir hoffen, viele von euch haben Lust zu kommen – es wird auf jeden Fall ein spannender und geselliger Nachmittag

⭐ Spezial: Dazu haben wir auch diesmal einen Anwalt eingeladen, der uns ein paar hilfreiche Infos zum rechtlichen Rahmen geben kann.

Cuộc họp nhà ngày 2 tháng 3

Thứ Năm, ngày 20 tháng 3, 6 giờ chiều
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

Xin chào hàng xóm thân yêu,
Chúng tôi muốn nói về mức giá thuê cao ở tòa nhà này và cung cấp thông tin về những gì chúng tôi có thể làm về vấn đề đó. Ngoài ra còn có vấn đề với hóa đơn tiện ích. Ngoài những chủ đề nghiêm túc hơn, chúng tôi cũng muốn tận dụng cơ hội để gặp nhau và hiểu nhau hơn một chút qua đồ ăn thức uống. Chúng tôi hy vọng nhiều bạn sẽ quan tâm đến – chắc chắn đây sẽ là một buổi chiều thú vị và hòa đồng

⭐ Đặc biệt: Lần này chúng tôi đã mời một luật sư có thể cung cấp cho chúng tôi một số thông tin hữu ích về khuôn khổ pháp lý.

Posiedzenie Izby 02 marca

Czwartek, 20 marca, godz. 18:00
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

Witajcie drodzy sąsiedzi,
Chcemy porozmawiać o wysokich czynszach w tym budynku i dowiedzieć się, co możemy z tym zrobić. Porozmawiamy również o problemach z rachunkami za media. Oprócz poważniejszych tematów, chcemy również skorzystać z okazji, aby po prostu spotkać się i poznać się trochę lepiej przy jedzeniu i piciu. Mamy nadzieję, że wielu z Was zechce przyjść – z pewnością będzie to ekscytujące i towarzyskie popołudnie!

Specjalne: Z prawnikiem, który udzieli nam informacji na temat ram prawnych.

Meclis toplantısı 02 Mart

Perşembe, 20 Mart 18:00
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

Merhaba sevgili komşular,
Burada, binadaki yüksek kiralar hakkında konuşmak ve bu konuda neler yapabileceğimizi öğrenmek istiyoruz. Ayrıca elektrik faturalarıyla ilgili sorunlar hakkında da konuşacağız. Daha ciddi konuların yanı sıra, bir araya gelip yiyecek ve içecek eşliğinde birbirimizi biraz daha yakından tanıma fırsatını da değerlendirmek istiyoruz. Birçoğunuzun gelmek isteyeceğini umuyoruz – kesinlikle heyecan verici ve sosyal bir öğleden sonra olacak!

⭐ Özel: Bize yasal çerçeve hakkında bilgi verecek bir avukat ile.

اجتماع مجلس النواب 02 مارس

الخميس، 20 مارس الساعة 6 مساءً
Stadtbad Lichtenberg
Hubertusstraße 47 (5min)

مرحباً جيراننا الأعزاء,
نريد التحدث عن الإيجارات المرتفعة هنا في المبنى ومعرفة ما يمكننا فعله حيالها. سنتحدث أيضًا عن مشاكل فواتير الخدمات العامة. بالإضافة إلى الموضوعات الأكثر جدية، نريد أيضًا أن ننتهز الفرصة لنجتمع معًا ببساطة ونتعرف على بعضنا البعض بشكل أفضل قليلاً على الطعام والشراب. نأمل أن يرغب الكثير منكم في الحضور – ستكون بالتأكيد فترة ما بعد الظهيرة مثيرة واجتماعية!

⭐ خاص: مع محامٍ سيقدم لنا معلومات عن الإطار القانوني.

We are tenants of the Q216 building. We all have different problems, be it with the property management, the broken doors or the excessively high rents. As individual tenants, we have had the experience of not being listened to. That’s why we’re now joining forces to tackle the problems together with the tenants’ union. As numerous other rent disputes in Berlin show, it is possible for us as tenants to change things if we organize ourselves together.

Logo of the Q216 tenants' union

The demands

The apartments are more expensive than the rent index allows. At the first hearing, the owners promised to adhere to the legal framework. They wanted to prove that the rent was not too high with corresponding invoices and expert opinions. These were never sent to us and the owners refuse to engage in further discussions.

In our experience, the apartments are on average 10% smaller than advertised. Service charges are calculated based on the size of the apartment in the rental agreement. We want the costs to be distributed fairly based on the actual size. The owners clearly agreed to this at the first negotiation. They then broke off the talks and are not making their floor plans available. That is why we are now doing our own measurements.

The old property management company Optima was never available, we all know that. Whether the new Q.I.M. answers the phone more often remains to be seen. So far, we’ve heard mixed feedback. We agreed with the owners at the first negotiation meeting that we would carry out an evaluation in February.

Self-locking locks have been installed in the basement. Despite this, break-ins continue to occur and the tenants affected are still not informed directly.

We have managed to get the owners of Telekom to approve the expansion. Because the lines are currently overloaded, it is unfortunately still not possible for some tenants to get a DSL connection until then.

Unfortunately, the Q216 is often not as clean as we would like. A new cleaning company has been hired. We’ll see if this improves the problems.

An exterminator was hired to deal with the rats, but the cockroach and other problems persist. In addition, some tenants have filed notices of defects.

The owners have agreed to replace the problematic pictures. We have carried out a survey to determine together which ones these are. We got a clear result. At the first negotiation meeting, we agreed that the tenants would provide artwork as an alternative. They are currently refusing to implement their promise.

What has happened so far

A journalist from the taz newspaper accompanied us as we measured the apartments.

“During the negotiations in the summer, a recalculation of the service charges was agreed with the landlords,” explains Lino. “The current costs are based on incorrect living space measurements, which is why they need to be lowered,” insists the trade unionist.
The property management company advertises two types of apartment on the Q216 website: The smaller apartment with 25 square meters is offered for 524 euros warm rent, which corresponds to a price of 21 euros per square meter. Anyone renting a 35 square meter apartment receives the warm square meter at a discount price of just under 20 euros and pays 695 euros, including operating and heating costs.
The Q216 active group has already completed the top three floors. Lino draws an interim balance: the apartments are significantly smaller than stated in the advertisements and rental contracts – on average by ten percent, he says.

You can find the full article today on taz.de or in the print edition on Monday.

On October 14, we receive another letter from a lawyer regarding the notices of defects. They continue to refer to the lack of “power of attorney documents”, which we still do not need in our role as messengers. They also threaten us again, as they did at the picnic, with alleged legal consequences:

If we receive another report of such deficiencies without any corresponding evidence, we will contact the relevant supervisory authority in order to have what we consider to be unlawful behavior reviewed and, if necessary, sanctioned.

If we receive further complaints from our neighbors, we will of course continue to pass them on and work to ensure that the property management finally carries out the repairs in the building.

In the last few days, we have started to measure the first apartments in our Q216. We want to find out how big our apartments actually are because the rental agreement only states approximate sizes. This may be formally legal, but it will be problematic because we need the actual size to calculate the rent index. In addition, parts of the billing of ancillary costs are based on the supposed square meters. In our measurements, we can currently see in all cases that the actual apartment size is smaller than stated in the rental agreement. For example, several apartments declared as 35 square meters turned out to be only 32 square meters. This means that the apartments are even further above the rent index than originally thought. It is particularly striking that exact square meter figures are advertised everywhere. On the official Q216 website, you can even find floor plans that show exactly 35 square meters. The fact that the apartments are actually smaller is not communicated anywhere. Instead, we only receive vague formulations in the rental agreement. Over the next few weeks, we want to measure more apartments, but there already seems to be a system behind it.

Strange letters have appeared in the letterboxes of many of the building’s tenants today. Without a clear sender, letterhead or signature, the message, which appears to come from the owners, looks somewhat dubious.

We see the owners’ letter as an attempt to increase insecurity in the house. Nevertheless, we don’t want to ignore it if neighbors feel disturbed. That’s why we posted a message about it in the house’s chat groups shortly afterwards. We only want to act in the interests of the house. We respect people who don’t want contact and are always open to feedback.

We receive another letter from the law firm Seldeneck & Partner by email. In this letter we are informed that the negotiations have been broken off by the owners. They say:

However, your sometimes adventurous, if not outlandish, legal opinions with regard to the tenants’ rights you claim no longer allow for such a constructive dialog.

It has also been announced that the property management will also ignore us as tenants.

[…] [Die] property management will no longer respond to letters from you in future, but will forward them exclusively to me for reply to you. You can rest assured, however, that I will also not respond to any future letters if you do not first send me a power of attorney from individual tenants concerned that legitimizes you.

As we act exclusively as a messenger for the notification of defects, we do not need a power of attorney. The other claims are also named and rejected. The law firm also asked for the tenants’ telephone numbers. This seems very strange to us, as the addresses of the property management should be known.

Are you actually claiming that there is a general right to a rent reduction (for whom)?

The current rent index applies throughout Berlin. This is particularly relevant for us, as our rents often exceed the permissible limits. They write about the pictures:

It goes without saying that our client will not replace any pictures in the corridors of the property at your behest. […] [Die Eigentümer erklären,] that they are naturally prepared to replace these pictures with other pictures if tenants, especially female tenants, express the view that parts of the art objects in the corridors are perceived as offensive or sexist.

In doing so, they ignore the fact that the demand for replacement by a tenant was included in the list at the 1st house meeting. Instead, they refer to an alleged house ban. However, this was not issued, nor can we as tenants be banned from our own building.

In a letter dated 01.08.2024, we issued you with a ban on entering the property at Frankfurter Allee 216 in the name of and on behalf of our client.

In the past, we had been told several times over the phone that dissatisfied tenants could simply move out, even without meeting the deadlines. We had also communicated this transparently in the in-house group chat. We have been exchanging information here for many years. The law firm writes about this:

Finally, I would like to refer to the WhatsApp group that you have apparently set up. […] Where did you come up with such an assertion? Do you seriously want to give the impression in your WhatsApp group that you have everything under control in the interests of the tenants […]

Later it is admitted that there was an offer to cancel without notice:

At best, this assertion referred to the tenants who are currently dissatisfied due to your intervention […].

However, a look at the Google reviews reveals that tenants have long been dissatisfied with the current situation in the building. An impression that is also confirmed by our hundreds of door-to-door conversations.

As a result of the agreements from the negotiation meeting, we have collected alternative works of art and photos in our building to replace the problematic pictures.
We will send these suggestions to the owners by email. In our message, we also emphasize once again the agreements we made together.
In addition, we have announced that we will soon begin with the planned apartment measurements. We have also proposed December 3 for the next negotiation date that has already been agreed.

Jill Heisterhagen, representative of the owners, has responded to our minutes. In her response, she contradicts several of our points. She writes about the pictures:

Your voting results for the replacement of 20 images have no relevance for us. […] We are miles away from a democratic majority decision here. Nor can we see what is supposed to be sexist about the majority of the images.

A calculation that compares the number of votes cast per picture with the total number of all tenants ignores the principle of a normal representative vote. In no democratic election is 100% participation expected or achieved. Our voting procedure was transparent and accessible to all tenants. It was also possible to view the current status at any time.
For the apartment sizes, she quotes from the rental agreements.

The areas agreed in the rental agreement are expressly not part of the contractually agreed target quality of the apartment, as evidenced by the clear contractual agreements in this respect.

This statement implies that the actual apartment size is not contractually guaranteed. This is technically correct, but the supposed sizes are still used for advertising, service charge and rent calculations. Irrespective of this, Lutz Lakomski made a clear commitment during the negotiation that the rents would be adjusted to the actual apartment size.
It goes on to say about the rent level:

The net cold rents are within the local comparative rent according to the rent index 2024 of the Berlin Senate. When entering the rent index query, there are differences between the MGB and us. […] This legally permissible means of justification shows higher rents for our portfolio than we have agreed with our tenants.

The letter contains neither a precise calculation nor the expert opinion. However, the report is said to contain the basis that the actual year of construction of 1979 is not used for the calculations, but the year of the conversion of the building of 2013. This puts the house on a par with a new building from 10 years ago, for which a higher rent may be demanded. Without these documents, the claims cannot be verified.

After we received the last latecomers to the defect reports, we sent around 40 of them to the new property management company Quartier Immobilienmanagement GmbH on August 26. The most frequent complaints include broken windows, mold in bathrooms, water damage and defective doors in Q216. In addition, the bottom floor was painted dark last year, causing the apartments to heat up even more in the midday sun. In winter, condensation forms on the windows of others and there is a draught. Sometimes the window pane is cracked or there is a hole in the wall just below it. There were also reports of cockroaches in the corridors. It is particularly frustrating that the reported defects have been ignored time and again in the past. From our letter:

As you already know, there were some problems with the old property management company, which is why you have taken over this task since June 2024. […] [ Due to the old property management ] a backlog of grievances has accumulated that have not yet been addressed. We have compiled some of these in the form of notices of defects to give you a good basis for addressing the problems in the building. We ask you to respond to this letter within the next 14 days and to make progress visible to all tenants.

After more than two weeks with no response, we decide to contact the owners’ company by phone. We reach Jill Heisterhagen, who tells us that Lutz Lakomski is on vacation. She asks us to refrain from calling again, but at the same time assures us that she is working on an answer and does not agree with our protocol.

We continue to hope for the corporate values proclaimed on your official GPU Immobilien GmbH website, such as “reliability” and “partnership-based cooperation”.

The next day, we meet with the owner Lutz Lakomski and the business partner’s daughter Jill Heisterhagen at Café Plötner on Anton-Saefkow-Platz in the afternoon. The conversation is very constructive and we are able to discuss many of the demands. There is a clear commitment to adjust the rent to the actual size of the apartment and a promise to comply with the applicable law (rent index), although there is still disagreement about exactly which year of construction should be used for Q216. We agree on a follow-up meeting before the end of the year. In addition, a clear commitment is made to search for the disputed images. As agreed, we send a report the next day summarizing the results of the meeting.

The owners agreed to replace the problematic pictures in the hallway in an email from the builder’s representative. In order to democratically determine which ones, we held an online vote in our building for around two weeks. Over 150 neighbors voted. The majority in the house decided to swap 20 pictures. These were sexist depictions of women, some completely naked, as well as Coca-Cola advertising. Hopefully these will now finally be swapped. We will bring the results to the hearing.

On August 4, we go through the entire Q216 with 16 people in teams of two and ring our neighbors’ doorbells. We had previously distributed forms for rent complaints in the letterboxes and informed them about the current status of the negotiations.
We discuss the common problems and help each other to create around 40 notices of defects in a structured way with the help of forms. These are an important formal step in case the apartments are not repaired and it comes to court hearings. From now on, rent payments will only be made subject to reservation. The rent complaints are sent collectively by registered mail to the property management company.

In the evening, we got together with over 40 neighbors for a picnic – there hadn’t been any major joint events in the house for a long time. There was a varied buffet with salads, pretzels, drinks and beer – plus a soccer tournament. When it got dark, we went to one of our apartments together and continued the party. We are delighted that so many people came despite the unfounded threats in the lawyer’s letter.

To strengthen the house community, we invite our neighbors to a picnic together in front of the house. We promptly receive a letter from a lawyer, which is also shared in the house chat.
In it, the law firm Seldeneck & Partner threatens to ban us from the house from 31.07.24:

“We must therefore […] ask you to refrain from holding events on our client’s property. Should you […] hold this event on our client’s property unlawfully, our client will take legal action against this unlawful behavior. As a matter of precaution, we would like to point out in this context that entering the property despite a ban on entering is illegal and that there is at least reasonable suspicion that the criminal offense of trespassing […] has been committed. You will understand that our client does not wish to encourage your political activism without any factual reference to reality […] by using her property”

We do not allow our neighborhood picnic to be reinterpreted as a “street party” and decide to hold the event anyway.

In order to keep our neighbors in Q216 up to date and continue to involve them, we are writing a detailed letter to everyone. In it, we inform them about the status of the demands and invite them to a picnic in front of the house. We also distribute a link to vote on which pictures should be exchanged in the house. This way, only our neighbors have the opportunity to vote. We also provide regular updates on the current status in the joint house chat, but we want to make sure that we reach everyone in the house.

On 25.07.24 we had a lengthy phone call with the owners of our apartment building. It started with an upset Mr. Ulrich, who quickly handed the conversation over to his daughter. She will be our contact person in the future.

Despite efforts to focus the conversation on finding a date, topics such as cleanliness and murals came up repeatedly. The owners felt they were being treated unfairly and initially saw little point in a meeting. It became clear again and again during the conversation that the owners had a completely different perspective on the housing crisis and their responsibility in it.

If the tenants don’t like it, they should move somewhere else. It can’t be that difficult in Berlin either, I’m not welfare.

After some back and forth, we agreed on a meeting in a café – two people from their side, two from ours. The owners will send a proposed date within a week.

On July 15, we receive a reply to our open letter, this time from the client’s representative. In addition to repeating points that are already known, two statements stand out in particular. He writes on the subject of sexist depictions:

With regard to the allegedly tasteless and sexist murals, the owners are waiting for information from the tenants as to which pictures should be removed or replaced. We also recommend a visit to the Andy Warhol exhibition at the Neue Nationalgalerie. Art and taste are often very different.

This statement raises interesting questions. The current exhibition “Velvet Rage and Beauty” explicitly addresses Warhol’s depictions of bodies, sexuality and gender. It critically examines how Warhol’s works were often considered “immoral” or “pornographic” during his lifetime.
The exhibition shows that a differentiated examination of representations of bodies and sexuality is also necessary in art. The reference to this exhibition underscores the relevance of our criticism rather than invalidating it.
Nevertheless, the owners are prepared to exchange the paintings.

The client representative comments on the legal form of our trade union.

Our clients find it strange how an unregistered association, which is not a legal entity and therefore has no legal capacity, presents itself to the outside world as a trade union.

Most of the major trade unions in Germany are not organized as registered associations. A prominent example is IG Metall, which describes itself as the largest single trade union in the world.
The legal form of an unincorporated association is common for trade unions and has no influence on their legitimacy or ability to act. Our organizational form is therefore part of a long tradition of the German trade union movement.

After many more formal meetings and planning, the community picnic finally took place today. Around 40 neighbors gathered in front of Q216 to network, have fun and enjoy a relaxed evening together. In bright sunshine and a cheerful atmosphere, cold drinks and snacks were shared on the lawn and soccer was played. The meeting went on until late in the evening, and the warm conversations and shared laughter strengthened the sense of community and made the day an unforgettable experience.

The request for a personal meeting has so far been ignored. We are therefore contacting the owners directly once again.

Dear Mr. Arndt Ulrich and Mr. Lutz Lakomski,
We are pleased to contact you directly as the owners of the property at Frankfurter Allee 216. As you have received our last letter, but have not been able to offer an appointment as of today, we are contacting you directly once again
. Your monthly appointments in Berlin are certainly a good opportunity to get to know each other personally. […] We would ask you to contact us within 14 days to arrange an initial meeting. We would like to find solutions to the current problems together and promote constructive cooperation.

On 29.06.2024, we as tenants received an open letter from the owners. It contained several false allegations:

Among other things, we will clarify with the new property management company […] whether cleaning the corridors and stairwells twice a week is sufficient.

In fact, however, a notice in the building only announced a once-weekly cleaning.

They also fail to provide the required transparency regarding the poor Internet connection.

Together with the new property management company, we will clarify which steps are necessary for a prompt connection to the fiber optic network.

We only hear from Telekom that the owners have not yet agreed to any expansion.

Unfortunately, the building cannot be connected to the fiber optic network for the time being. The owner of the building does not agree to the fiber optic expansion.

Despite the alleged plans for a “prompt connection”, we tenants have not yet been informed of any concrete steps or timetables. Instead, you are calling for us to move out:

If you are still of the opinion of the “Initiative” that you are living in an overpriced, dirty, unsafe and sexist Q 216, you are of course free to terminate your tenancy agreement at any time and reorient yourself on the free housing market.

We feel that this formulation is not very solution-oriented. We all need a roof over our heads, which is not so easy to find, especially in Berlin. In addition, we all have to sign a minimum rental period of 2 years and therefore can’t just move out.

“The rent activists came to the headquarters of Q.I.M. Quartier Immobilienmanagement GmbH to draw attention to the conditions in a building on Frankfurter Allee in Lichtenberg. Q.I.M. is taking over management of the building from property management company Optima from July. After years of vacancy, the former office building was supposed to provide young people with an affordable apartment of their own. Despite this, many tenants are now complaining about excessive rent demands. There are also complaints about the living conditions in the building: tenants report theft from the basement, pest infestation in the apartments and a property management company that does not respond to emails and calls. “Cockroaches and other pests are getting into our apartments,” reads a letter written by the tenants.”

You can find the entire article about the handover of the letter of demand from the Q216 delegates at ND. We are now waiting for an appointment with the owners to start a discussion.

After 3 months and countless discussions, the first house meeting was finally held in Q216. All neighbors were personally invited to collectively and democratically discuss the next steps for better housing. After the productive discussions, several speech bubbles appeared in the building in the evening with the voices of the tenants.

There are even more pictures on Instagram.

In a few days, the first house meeting of Q216 in Lichtenberg will finally take place. In order to invite all neighbors directly and to exchange ideas about the many problems in the house, we were able to talk to many tenants today in bright sunshine directly in front of the house. Come and network on June 16, because together we are stronger! Follow us on Instagram for more information. We are happy to answer any questions.

461 doors, 461 doorbells, 461 conversations. A mammoth task. And yet, with a team of tenants and people from the neighborhood showing solidarity, we have already spoken to over 100 people in the last few weeks. Many people have similar problems. The property management is not available, the rent is too high and some things are broken. One feeling unites us: together we are stronger! That’s why we will be networking and joining forces in the coming weeks for better conditions in Q216.

At the beginning of the year, tenants from one of Lichtenberg’s largest apartment buildings contacted the union. Hundreds of tenants live in more than 450 one-bedroom apartments in Q216. The building was built in 1979 and converted into living space in 2012. The new rental prices are extremely high for Lichtenberg and a heavy burden for many residents: €524 warm for 25 square meters or €695 for 35 square meters. There are also many other problems. The tenants want to take action against this together with the trade union.